Family Ties: Someone’s Favorite

I’ve been decorating my home for Christmas and I keep finding special things that remind me of my Aunt Polly: an engraved ornament, my blue porcelain angels, woodland birds. On Saturday evenings when my husband and I watch movies, I work on my crewel embroidery pillow and remember how she taught me the stitches when I was a senior in high school. Later she gave me the Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework and wrote in her artful script, “To Connie Riddle with lots, and lots of Love.”


Polly in our farmhouse kitchen around 1966

While Polly never told me I was her favorite, as every child hopes they are, I always felt a connection to her because she ‘got me’ and I ‘got her.’ Her attention toward me made me feel special– a great thing when you’re growing up and going through the ups-and-downs of figuring out who you are. How reinforcing to feel that you have someone’s favor.

When I was a girl, Polly told me about visiting the Teton Mountains in Wyoming. I felt like I was there when she described the snow-capped mountains and the open space. I’d seen those vistas in Westerns and imagined myself as one of those cowgirls riding a horse. Years later, as a ‘girl’ of  fifty-six, I took my solo journey to Wyoming chasing that dream that had started with Polly. I rode a huge horse named Tequila on a trail ride in the Grand Teton National Park. How I felt Polly’s spirit with me in that place.


Remembering Polly’s descripton of the Tetons and feeling her presence

My memories of Polly are strong, especially during the Christmas season. Last year, I was feeling the same way and wrote a post, Polly’s Gift. I’d love for you to read it and get to know more about her.  I’ll end this post early in hopes that you’ll read on about Polly and her painting that hangs on the wall in my kitchen every December.

Polly’s Gift


How About You?

Is there a family member or another person who has treated you as if you’re a favorite?

What were things they did that communicated that you had a special bond?

How did their favor on you impact your life?

Do you have that type of relationship with a  niece or nephew or some other person?


6 thoughts on “Family Ties: Someone’s Favorite

  1. Connie, You have done it again. Polly was a very wise woman. She shared with you many things that were not for others. Your answer is there within “Her” being. I relate to your ending Questions and will hold the answers for later. You have a gift that is far exceeding others. I am impressed and humbled by your talent. I feel that you and I we have so much in common, so much so that it may be frightening. I so enjoy your offerings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey John,
      Thanks so much for reading and for your generous enthusiasm for my writing. Polly did teach me so much–watching her life and how she saw things through the eyes of a painter. It’s so special when you connect with people who share a similar lens.
      Best to you in this Holiday Season,

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Connie! Holidays do bring living memories with them each year. Thanksgiving each year is as good as a visit with my two grandmothers from whom I learned so much about all the connections food and cooking make between both people and our amazing earth. My Christmas tree is filled with handmade things, created mostly by children and friends. Putting them on the teee each by ear has become a meditative and prayerful practice. Thanks for you and Aunt Polly for bringing all of this to mind!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Debra,
      Thanks so much for reading and sharing your memories. With your love of cooking, I’m sure you have a heightened awareness of the smells and tastes of those Thanksgiving foods. I like what you said about putting the ornaments on the tree being a “meditative and prayerful practice.” I should remember that when I want to just get it done!
      I miss you and wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas holiday!


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