Happy Holidays from My House to Yours

It’s late afternoon of Christmas Day and finally things are still enough that I can sit down to write this post. I sent out very few Christmas cards this year; I was too busy spending the day with all those folks working on my townhouse. That’s my excuse for now–guess next year I’ll have to come up with something different! It’s not that I don’t think of you all and want to send a greeting; it’s just that I get behind.

So, this post will serve as my Christmas card, sort of a family letter without all the details that go into a single-spaced page like letters back in the day. I remember that I once heard those letters referred to as “brag letters” because they were filled with news of successes– moving to larger houses, extravagant vacations, new honors at work or school.

Since my blog is kind of like a public journal, you already know much about my 2022. You’ve walked with me on this journey of ups and downs, highs and lows, hope and frustration.

This Christmas, my greatest joy has been the time I’ve spent with my two grandsons. I know many of you share those sentiments about your own grandchildren or perhaps those special little ones you’ve adopted as your own. When I’m mired down in the worries of being an adult, it helps to have time with my grandsons. Their greatest concerns are taking back the toy stollen by brother, or getting their choice of which movie to watch–for the 100th time! The greatest gift we give to each other is time together. I felt that when I had them come to “Grammy’s New Place” last Saturday afternoon. Baker, the 4 year old, is into dinosaurs and was delighted with the play tent I’d bought them. He and his younger brother, Parks, each had a gift they could open before Christmas.

After it was established that they were too excited to take any semblance of a nap, we went downstairs to make cookies. That is something we’ve done together every Christmas. Good it’s only once a year, because I can’t resist eating those warm cookies and the boys are just as crazy about the dough.

Besides being with my grandsons, I’ve also had special holiday time with my sisters. My older one, Harriet, sings in her church choir and I attended their holiday music program. My younger sister, Peggy, came to see my new house and then we had a special lunch in the small town charm of downtown Apex. We talked about memories of our family holiday when we were girls. Peggy is four years younger than me and told me how she counts on hearing my detailed stories. Sometimes we take for granted that others have the same memory of an event–when, depending on their age and perch in the family tree, their experience may have been very different. It reminds me of the importance of spending time with older relatives who know our family stories.

Peggy sent me this cardinal ornament in her Christmas card; she does a better job of getting them out every year! It will remind me of our conversation about how Daddy loved Christmas and Mama’s constant work to make our Christmas Eve Dinner special.

I’ve shared before about the special relationship I had with my Aunt Polly, Daddy’s older sister. She was the Rosser I most identified with because we had so many things in common: love of art, reading, being outside, flower gardening. Every year, I hang the picture she painted for her mother’s Christmas gift in December of 1954. Grandma Rosser died just days before Polly would have arrived with her gift. After Polly passed away, that painting became mine and is a point of pride in my holiday home. The cardinal reminds me of special times I had with Polly, tramping through the woods to gather greenery to decorate our farmhouse.

Last night, our family gathered at my son, Brooks’s house for dinner. It wasn’t like what we would have expected from years of being an intact family–with David and I married, a couple at the Christmas Eve table like we were for so many years. I arrived first and Baker asked, “When’s Popi getting here,” his name for his grandfather. Brooks explained he would be there soon. My daughter-in-law’s parents were there, “Nina and Papa”; they never arrive separate.

I can see the cogs turning and one day, Baker will ask why Grammy and Popi aren’t together. One day, we’ll have to explain divorce.

But for now, we were all able to eat and open gifts and enjoy the excitement of little boys waiting for Santa.

My hope is that you’ve enjoyed time with those you hold dear during this holiday season.

Happy Holidays and Blessings to You All,


6 thoughts on “Happy Holidays from My House to Yours

  1. This is a nice read, as you have touched on all those things that make you happy, with the acceptance for those things that may bring on the tinge of uneasiness. Your growing relationship with your grandsons is taking a life of its own. Could you ask for anything more. You have in your life, those things that are only memories in my life. You give us the best of all Worlds. Love and Blessings to you.


    • Hey John,
      Sorry for the delay. I got caught up in some of the details of taking care of my new home.
      I hope you had a happy holiday season and the year’s off to a good start.
      Thanks for being a faithful reader and responder.

      Liked by 1 person

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